OceanSide church of Christ

Bible Correspondence Courses
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By Allen Webster
The most important question a person can ask it: "What must I do to be saved?" The answer is just as important as the question. This series of lessons is designed to answer this question. How you respond to the answer depends on you and your heart.
Lesson #1: The Best Friend you Ever Had
Lesson #2: How's Your Hearing?
Lesson #3: Three Indispensables of Faith
Lesson #4: The Most Difficult Command
Lesson #5: True Confessions
Lesson #6: They that Gladly Received His Word Were Baptized
Lesson #7: Be Thou Faithful unto Death
Lesson #8: What God Wants to Do for Every Sinner

By John Hurt
This course offers eight lessons that give an overview of the Bible. It is mainly for people interested in learning God's word, new Christians, or people seeking to restore their Christian values.
Lesson #1: The Old Testament
Lesson #2: The New Testament
Lesson #3: Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
Lesson #4: Where was God when disaster truck?
Lesson #5: Becoming a Christian
Lesson #6: Acceptable Worship
Lesson #7: The New Testament Church
Lesson #8: You Can Be Just a Christian

By Allen Webster
When it comes to the Bible, there are some essentials. It is essential for a person to know how to study the Bible. It is essential to understand how to rightly divide the Bible. And, it is essential to ask the right questions regarding salvation. This course is designed to give you many of the essentials needed. We hope you are benefited by it!
Lesson #1: Introduction to the Bible
Lesson #2: Principles of Bible Interpretation
Lesson #3: Three Facts that Changed the World Forever
Lesson #4: A Study of Covenants
Lesson #5: Can God Really Forgive Me?
Lesson #6: The Terms of Forgiveness
Lesson #7: Heaven is Only Four Steps Away (Part 1)
Lesson #8: Heaven is Only Four Steps Away (Part 2)

By Allen Webster
Jesus promised to build His church (Matt. 16:18). This church would be purchased by His blood (Acts 20:28). The saved are added to this church (Acts 2:47). It is imperative for all men to find it. This series of lessons will help you do this.
Lesson #1: Does the Church Make Any Difference?
Lesson #2: Back to Jerusalem: The Restoration Plea
Lesson #3: Is the Church Jesus Built on Earth Today?
Lesson #4: How Can I Identify the Church Jesus Built Among So Many? Part 1
Lesson #5: How Can I Identify the Church Jesus Built Among So Many? Part 2
Lesson #6: Is the Kingdom of Christ the Same as the Church of Christ?
Lesson #7: The Greatest Institution on Earth
Lesson #8: How Can I connect with the Church of Christ?

By Allen Webster
To know God does not involve "a blind leap into the dark." It involves faith that is based upon evidence. A study of "evidences" is found in this series of lessons. The good and honest heart will see that God does exist and that the Bible is God's Word. God has provided enough evidence so that all men are without excuse. "Come let us reason together..." (Isa. 1:18).
Lesson #1: But I'm Not Even Sure There is a God
Lesson #2: But I Opted Out of Religion
Lesson #3: But I Thought Evolution Proved the Bible Wrong
Lesson #4: But You Can't Use the Bible to Prove the Bible
Lesson #5: But Isn't the Bible Just a Collection of Ancient Writings?
Lesson #6: But Hasn't the Bible Been Corrupted?
Lesson #7: But Isn't the Universe Just Random?
Lesson #8: But How Did This World Get Here?
Lesson #9: But Do I Really Matter?
Lesson #10 But I've Sinned Too Much to Be a Christian Now

By Allen Webster
The home was the very first God-ordained institution placed upon the earth (Gen. 2:18-24). God has not only established the home, but He has also ordered it. In this correspondence course, you will learn about God's will regarding marriage and the home.
Lesson #1: The 21 Most Important Words Ever Spoken in Marriage
Lesson #2: A Biblical View of Human Sexuality
Lesson #3: How to Help Your Spouse Make it to Heaven
Lesson #4: God's 7 Financial Goals for Your Family
Lesson #5: What Jesus Said About Divorce
Lesson #6: How to Deal with Sexual Temptation
Lesson #7: How to Stay Faithful to Your Spouse
Lesson #8: Married for Life

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